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EA Cricket 2011 DLF IPL 4

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DLF IPL 4 2011 PC Game Description:
The most downloaded game of the month as IPL season is going to start there is a very nice game of the IPL 2011 is made for mobile in which you will select your favorite team to win the matches againt the other 9 teams . Last year IPL game have only 8 teams but this year there are 10 Teams there are addition of 2 new teams Kochi and Pune . Well this game have good graphics and great game play you will play according to your Level Easy, Hard ,Medium .There are some new changes made in this game which have changed the game totally you can play this game and enjoy the game on your Hand sets . This is the best cricket games of the Year 2011. More cricket games are coming soon .




After Launching the Game,
1. Load the Roster first
2. Go to Games Modes
3. Then Click on Domestic
4. Then go to
5. Select DLF IPL T20
6. Set Fixtures as "2006" overs= "20"
7. Select User Team & Start playing
DLF IPL 2011 Tournament with Actual Fixtures.

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