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How and where to get your CEUs


You've got your much-deserved certification by passing the tough and grueling coding exam. If you thought your work is done and over, think again. You'll also have to work towards keeping your certification current as it's valid for a specified period of time only. As such, you need to acquire continuing educational units (CEUs), which will help you in keeping your certification current and up to date. The main reason behind CEU is to offer a permanent record of the educational accomplishments of the coder.

The number of CEUs required for certification or recertification differs by state and profession. It also depends on the level of your certification.

But you don't have to worry about putting in more efforts to get hold of the required number of CEUs. Normally you can get CEUs through the same institution where you got the certification from. CEU seminars and conferences are also a way of acquiring CEUs. In fact American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) offers various sources for continuing education like workshops, audio conferences, national conferences, and the like. Out of these all, national/regional conferences are the best bet as they help you earn as many as 20 CEUs for just a few extra dollars. But there are less costly and free ways to earn CEUs as well.

If you're on a tight budget, but don't want to miss out on the benefits seminars and conferences provide, you may even ask your employer to help you out in meeting the expense of earning CEUs. There are many employers who reimburse coders for their CEUs because they know they stand to benefit in the long run.

In fact there are even one-stop medical coding websites, where you stand to get CEUs.


Source by James Smith

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