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Latest Mobile models

Now a days world are going to touch the peaks of IT ,due to this reason new technology and new models are escape every year some new technology in the field of mobile phone are,


Apple Black Hole Mobile 

Phone Design

 It’s a conceptual design that is based on holographic display technology. This phone is designed for Apple by Jolliness Zaigouche but, sadly, it shouldn't come to the market before 2020. 

This is also a latest technology and seemed like a little laptop.

Visual Sound Mobile Phone Concept Design.

   Visual Sound Mobile Phone Concept Design is a device created for the deaf. The phone will act as a voice-to-text converter, so whenever the disabled received a phone calls, the conversation will be transformed into a texts displayed on the transparent screen. The visual sound mobile phone is designed by Suhyun Kim, a student from the Pratt Institute.
It featured a modern and futuristic technology where there are two pillar-like holders where you can scroll out the touch sensitive and translucent screen where the disabled can interact with. To respond to the calls, Visual sound mobile phone concept provided a qwerty touch board where the disabled can type their thoughts in.


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